Email Updates

Hi SWEsters! I hope you’re all enjoying spring break : )

Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 27th, from 1-3pm for UNM SWE’s 2021 Leadership Summit! The 2-hour summit will include a keynote speaker, personal goal-setting, and an introduction to the SWE Leadership Competency Model. This event is an excellent opportunity to grow your communication, reflection, and leadership skills while networking and forming connections with the SWE community. The event is open to anyone, and is highly recommended to those who are interested in taking on a leadership role with SWE! To register, please fill out this short form.

Also, be sure to attend our general meeting on Wednesday, March 24th at 5:30 PM to learn more about the Summit and to find out what kind of leader you are!

Zoom Link: 

Password: SWEsters!


Haley Chavez

Vice President

Society of Women Engineers 

University of New Mexico


cell# (505)249-7380 |